who we are

seedlings early learning rochedale


Seedlings Early Learning acknowledges the Traditional Custodians, the People of the land on which our childcare services are established and their continuing connection to the land, sea and community. Seedlings Early Learning also pays respect to both past and present Elders.

Learning their history can help children develop a connection to the land of Australia and the environment they live in. Developing awareness and respect to the Elders from an early age is essential to growth and increasing empathy.

We support our educators to insert their views into our educational practices, so their language and culture are accessible to all children. We promote the advancement of close, open and respectful ties with the local community and elders. Furthermore, we put a tremendous focus on trust. More specifically, trust in the ideas of our community and elders, trust in the educators and parents to promote and transfer these ideas to the children, and trust in the children to believe in these values, and eventually transfer them to future generations.

early learning services

The Environment

We, at Seedlings Early Learning, understand the demands placed on busy families. Our team knows the importance of ensuring that young children are safe, happy & engaged during such formative years. This includes uniting the space of the centres with the bigger picture – the outside world.

So, apart from providing a stimulating environment to the children inside the areas of our centres, our educators are trained to prepare them to face the environment outside of it. Teaching children to give back to society, appreciating the land, sea and community is one of the most challenging, yet most essential parts of their pre-school education. Doing this through eco-friendly games, interesting challenges and fun exercises increases the chances of remembering and enduring these values through life.



We place a particular priority on the environment and sustainability, and we teach children to ensure that “there is enough for all, forever”. The services use various sustainable practices throughout Seedlings Early Learning, including a recycling schedule, to teach children about protecting the environment and highlight ways available for them to become environmentally accountable and show respect for the environment.

Our focus is to help children develop a sense of belongingness to the community; develop a connection to their parents and educators, considering they are the only role models of the children at an early age.



Our team is trained to see each child as a social individual, whose development areas should be satisfied – physical development, social development, cognitive development, emotional development and creative development. Simultaneously each child should be able to develop independence, confidence, self-esteem, and self-control, in addition to multicultural and non-sexist attitudes.

That’s why each educator or staff member looks, talks and promotes body language that represents a positive role model to the children. At their early stage, children act like sponges – they soak in information from the stimuli surrounding them. So, giving them certain stimulation is essential to teaching them how to behave, talk or even think productively.

Our ultimate goal is to teach the children “to give back” – to their parents, their educators, and ultimately to the community and the world itself. Creating happy individuals who will contribute to society in the future is a great way of creating a never-ending cycle of sustainability.

early learning and childcare

Sun Protection

We recommend that parents pack clothing for children that will protect them from the sun, including a hat, long-sleeved t-shirts and loose clothing which covers all of their body (i.e. no midriffs, singlets or bare backs).

Sunscreen will be applied to those children with prior written permission. Sunscreen will be applied to these children 20 minutes before going outside and is then regularly reapplied. The literature on sun care is available at the centre. For more information on the centre’s Sun Protection policy, please ask the Nominated Supervisor.

early education centre newmarket


Please dress your child in play clothes that wash easily. In choosing what your child should wear to Seedlings Early Learning, please consider the following:.

  • Your child will be working with messy materials such as paint, glue, water and sand so clothing must be able to stand a little wear and tear.
  • Children will be climbing, running, jumping and swinging so they will need clothes that neither restrict their activity nor reduce their safety.
  • Clothing must provide some protection and be suitable for both indoor and
    outdoor experiences.
  • Children will need clothes which allow for growing independence, i.e. pants that can come
    off quickly for toileting.
  • Please name all clothing and footwear.
early education centre newmarket

Health and Hygiene

Children and educators are actively urged to practice good personal hygiene to minimise cases of illness. Seedlings Early Learning believes that if your child is ill, the best place for them is to be at home where they can recover faster. If your child arrives at the centre with signs of illness, the nominated supervisor may advise that they are not well enough to stay at the centre. You will be asked to make alternative arrangements until they are well or the exclusion period has ended (you may be asked to provide a medical clearance letter before your child can return). Although this can be untimely for parents, it is in the interests of all children and families at the centre to minimise the risk of infection.

Should your child become ill during the day, documentation and first aid will be given, and you may be contacted to collect your child from the centre and seek further medical advice (please note that paracetamol is not regarded as a first response and can only be administered in emergency situations and with prior written parental consent).
