child care centres australia

Know more about Parent Information

At Seedlings Early Learning Centre, we recognise each child as a strong and competent individual. Yet, we put great emphasis on parents and their opinion of the children’s progress and development. Team members perform regular observations to ensure that the behaviours of the child are aligned with the interests and preferences of their parents.

Apart from including the parents in their child’s progress and development, we at Seedlings Early Learning Centre, also include the parents in the review of policies. More specifically, you as a parent can share your opinion on this matter, simultaneously helping our organisation improve the practices and response to your needs and the needs of our community. Copies of all policies are available in each room for your benefit. Please ask the Seedlings Early Learning Centre team if you would like a copy of our policies.

Fees & Rebates

Public Holidays

Public Holidays

Seedlings Early Learning Centre is closed on public holidays. However, fees still apply if any of your usual days of attendance fall on a public holiday. CCS will normally be paid for public holidays except if your original 42 absence days have already been used.


Sick Days

Fees apply for sick days, though, the Nominated Supervisor may arrange a make-up or swap day at their choice. The Child Care Subsidy (CSS) will cover up to 42 absence days a year with no documentation and unlimited sick days if you’re able to provide a medical certificate or similar.

We understand that cost is one of the top considerations for our families when deciding whether to enrol your child in formal childcare. Seedlings Early Learning makes the decision process easier for you by providing access to affordable fees and convenient rebates and subsidies. Depending on your circumstances and eligibilities, you may reduce costs by applying for the rebates and benefits offered by the Federal and State Government.


More than just sessional care, at Seedlings Early Learning, you can choose from our six-hour, ten-hour or full day sessions and make the most out of the Child Care Subsidy. We are an Australian Government approved child care centre, which means families who are eligible for the Child Care Subsidy (CCS), Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS), or other payments will be able to link to our centre through their myGov account. The Government Child Care Subsidy makes early learning more affordable for many Australians. The below guide is provided to help break down the benefits for you and your family.

The CCS, ACCS and other Child Care Package payments reduce the true cost of child care fees for eligible families and are paid directly to our centre, based on the information provided to Centrelink.

Seedlings Early Learning centres are open Monday to Friday 6.30am – 6.00pm and caters for children from 6 weeks to Kindergarten.

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What is a session window?

Seedlings Early Learning offers more flexible sessions of childcare than other childcare services. Choose between a 6 hour, 10 hours or all day session. Your session window is the set start time and end time for a session per the table below.

What is a grace period?

Seedlings Early Learning understands your schedule can sometimes get complicated by unplanned delays, so we’re offering a grace period either side of your daily session times. If you opt for the all-day session, this runs from 6.30 am to 6.00pm, so no grace period applies.”

What to Bring?

The Seedlings Early Learning Centre Director will provide you with a detailed list upon your enrolment.

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Sleeping sheet set or blanket for nap time

Expressed milk (if needed), lunch, morning tea and afternoon tea.

Comfort items (if required), like a toy or blanket

Change of clothes

A water bottle or a sippy cup

A sun safe hat which covers your child’s face, neck and ears

All medications – please give these to centre staff to handle directly.

A bib or two

Dummy in a sealed, named container (if needed)

